The Academy's Course for Senior Officials has left for talks in the Islamic Republic of Iran, the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The focus of the trip will be on first-hand impressions and talks with regional players.
Tehran is the first stop of the study tour. The picture shows the Azadi Tower (Freedom Tower) in the Tarasht neighbourhood. Picture: sören2013/flickr/scaled down/CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
In mid-February, the Course for Senior Officials at the Federal Academy for Security Policy left for its ten-day study tour of the Middle East. After a week of intensive preparation in Berlin with many notable experts on the region, the course participants are headed for political talks first in Tehran, then in Dubai with a short trip to Abu Dhabi, and finally in Riad. They are accompanied by Dr Karl-Heinz Kamp, the President of the Academy. The goal is to get to know the region and the different interests of its regional players first hand and reflect on the results of discussions previously held in Berlin.
Further talks will take the course participants to Riad. The picture shows the 300-metre high Kingdom Centre.
Foto: AA jhr/flickr/scaled down/CC BY 2.0
Besides exchanging ideas with decision makers and experts in the region, the course participants will have time to discuss their impressions among themselves. This is essential in order to refine their opinions and formulate options for strategic action.
The Course for Senior Officials is a key component of the programme offered by the Federal Academy. Its purpose is to enable senior officials of the German national government and federal states, as well as from the economy sector and civil society, to develop a deeper understanding of a current foreign or security policy issue and thus gain important insights that are relevant to their own work. In this way, the Course for Senior Officials also helps to create and develop a security policy network of state and non-state players.
Author: Michael Hanisch
Homepage picture: Kevin Hackert/flickr/scaled down/CC BY-NC 2.0