

Auf einer Straße gesäumt von Palmen steht eine große Menschenmenge, die zahlreiche Flaggen Tunesiens und Plakate in arabischer Sprache mit sich führt.
Foto: Amine GHRABI/Flickr/CC BY-NC 2.0

Democracy, not free from Hurdles: Senior Course visits Tunisia

The second station of the 2019 Course for Senior Officials was Tunis. In Tunisia the Course witnessed many democratic accomplishments, but also several fields in which Tunisia's democracy could still be fostered by increased cooperation. Foto: Amine GHRABI/Flickr/CC BY-NC 2.0


Ein Globus zeigt das Mittelmeer mit den europäischen und afrikanischen Anrainerstaaten.
Foto: 3dman_eu/Pixabay/CC0

First Station Algiers: Course for Senior Officials Launched

The first station of the 2019 Course for Senior Officials was Algiers. The talks at Algeria's capital focused on the opening of a country that had sealed off itself for a long period of time. Picture: 3dman_eu/Pixabay/CC0


Der Hauptbazar in Delhi von oben.
Foto: Will Vousden / flickr / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

A Land between Tradition and Modernity: The Course for Senior Officials in Delhi and Mumbai

India is on its way to becoming a global power. Few other countries in the world are as diverse or as full of opportunities and challenges as this vast democracy in Asia. So the Federal Academy for Security Policy chose Delhi and Mumbai as destinations for its 2018 Course for Senior Officials.


Das Bild zeigt pakistanische und indische Soldaten am Grenzübergang Wagah
Gordon Dickson Flickr verkleinert CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Course for Senior Officials: Crossing the Border on Foot

The Course for Senior Officials crossed the border between Pakistan and India near Wagah at the only crossing point open exclusively to passenger traffic.


Zu sehen ist die Faisal-Moschee in Islamabad
Muzaffar Bukhari-Flickr-verkleinert-CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Focus on South Asia: Course for Senior Officials arrives in Pakistan

First-hand impressions are irreplaceable. That is why the Course for Senior Officials has travelled to South Asia for the second time this year. The visit includes high-level talks in Pakistan and India. Picture: Muzaffar Bukhari/Flickr/cut to size/CC BY-NC-SA 2.0


Vermummte und bewaffnete Polizisten  öffnen ein Auto mit einer Person darin
Axel Hindemith/Wikimedia Commons/gemeinfrei

Core Course discusses internal security with BKA President and BfV Vice President

At the outset of the module on Internal Security, the Core Course met the President of the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), Holger Münch, and the Vice President of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV), Thomas Haldenwang.

Trump, Tallinn, Turbulence: A Review of the 2018 Core Course

The US have doubts about its partners, the littoral states of the Baltic Sea about their security and the EU about its unity. 25 participants looked for answers on site in the 2018 Core Course.


Two flyers of the core course on a grey surface
Foto: BAKS/Sommerfeld

2019 Core Course Open for Nominations

The 2019 Core Course on Security Policy focuses on digitalization and the Baltic region. The nomination process is open for international participants until early December.


Ein großes, weißes Gebäude vor einem bewölkten Himmel.
Krzysztof Belczyński/Flickr/CC BY-SA 2.0

Core Course stateside: A Lot of Burden-Sharing and a Little Bourbon Sharing

The study tour to the United States is a key component of the core course. Dr Sven Brenner, a participant, shares his impressions from Washington, D.C. and New York City.


Beiderseits eines Grenztores sind verschieden gekleidete Soldaten aufmarschiert und halten ein Zeremoniell ab. Die Szenerie wird durch hunderte Zuschauer auf einer Tribüne verfolgt.
Foto: Guilhem Vellut/Flickr/CC BY 2.0

Between Hardship and High-Tech: Course for Senior Officials in India

After a memorable border crossing, the Course for Senior Officials continued to the second part of its study tour in the capital New Delhi and the economic powerhouse Bangalore.


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